
My list of publications is summarized below. For the most part these should be indexed in my Google Scholar profile and also be available in ResearchGate.

Peer reviewed journal articles

Nguyen, T.H., Hiemstra, R.R., Stoter, S.K.F., Schillinger, D. (2022)``A variational approach based on perturbed eigenvalue analysis for improving spectral properties of isogeometric multipatch discretizations.’’ Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 392, p. 114671.
Nguyen, T.H., Hiemstra, R.R., Schillinger, D., (2022). ``Leveraging spectral analysis to elucidate membrane locking and unlocking in isogeometric finite element formulations of the curved Euler–Bernoulli beam.’’ Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388, p.114240. [link]
Hiemstra, R.R., Hughes, T.J.R, Reali, A., Schillinger, D. (2021)``Removal of spurious outlier frequencies and modes from isogeometric discretizations of second-and fourth-order problems in one, two, and three dimensions.’’ Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 387, p. 114115.
Mika, M.Ł., Hughes, T.J.R., Schillinger, D., Wriggers, P. and Hiemstra, R.R., (2021). ``A matrix-free isogeometric Galerkin method for Karhunen–Loève approximation of random fields using tensor product splines, tensor contraction and interpolation based quadrature.’’ Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 379, p.113730. [link]
Hiemstra, R.R., Shepherd, K.M., Johnson, M.J., Quan, L. and Hughes, T.J. (2020). Towards untrimmed NURBS: CAD embedded reparameterization of trimmed B-rep geometry using frame-field guided global parameterization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 369, p.113227. [doi] [link]
Hiemstra, R.R., Hughes, T.J.R., Manni, C., Speleers, H. and Toshniwal, D. (2020). A Tchebycheffian Extension of Multidegree B-Splines: Algorithmic Computation and Properties. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 58(2), pp.1138-1163. [doi] [link]
Toshniwal, D., Speleers, H., Hiemstra, R.R., Manni, C. and Hughes, T.J. (2020). Multi-degree B-splines: Algorithmic computation and properties. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 76, p.101792. [doi]
Hiemstra, R.R., Sangalli, G., Tani, M., Calabro, F., and Hughes, T.J.R. (2019). Fast Formation and Assembly of Finite Element Matrices with Application to Isogeometric Linear Elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 355, Pages 234-260. [doi]
Evans, J.A., Hiemstra, R.R., Hughes, T.J.R., and Reali, A. (2018). Explicit higher-order accurate isogeometric collocation methods for structural dynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 338: 208-240. [doi]
Marussig, B., Hiemstra, R.R., and Hughes, T.J.R. (2018). Improved conditioning of isogeometric analysis matrices for trimmed geometries. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 334: 79-110. [doi]
Toshniwal, D., Speleers, H., Hiemstra, R.R., and Hughes, T.J.R. (2017). Multi-degree smooth polar splines: A framework for geometric modeling and isogeometric analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 316: 1005-1061. [doi]
Hiemstra, R.R., Calabro, F., Schillinger, D., and Hughes, T.J.R. (2017). Optimal and reduced quadrature rules for tensor product and hierarchically refined splines in isogeometric analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 316: 966-1004. [doi]
Schillinger, D., Evans, J. A., Frischmann, F., Hiemstra, R.R., Hsu, M.C., and Hughes, T.J.R. (2015). A collocated C0 finite element method: Reduced quadrature perspective, cost comparison with standard finite elements, and explicit structural dynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 102: 576-631. [doi]
Hiemstra, R.R., Toshniwal, D., Huijsmans, R.H.M., and Gerritsma, M.I. (2014). High order geometric methods with exact conservation properties. Journal of Computational Physics, 257: 1444-1471. [doi]
Palha, A., Rebelo, P.P., Hiemstra, R.R., Kreeft, J., and Gerritsma, M.I. (2014) Physics-compatible discretization techniques on single and dual grids, with application to the Poisson equation of volume forms. Journal of Computational Physics, 257: 1394-1422. [doi]

Peer reviewed book chapters

Mika, M.Ł., Hiemstra, R.R., Schillinger D., Hughes, T.J.R., (2022). ``A Comparison of Matrix-Free Isogeometric Galerkin and Collocation Methods for Karhunen–Loève Expansion. ‘’ Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics. Springer, Cham, 329-341.
Hiemstra, R. R., and Gerritsma, M.I. (2014). High order methods with exact conservation properties. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations-ICOSAHOM 2012 Springer, Cham, 285-295
Gerritsma, M. I., Hiemstra, R. R., Kreeft, J., Palha, A., Rebelo, P., and Toshniwal, D. (2014). The geometric basis of numerical methods. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations-ICOSAHOM 2012. Springer, Cham, 17-35.


I frequently present my work at international conferences. Below is a list of invited presentations at research institutions and talks at international conferences.

Invited Seminar Presentations at Research Institutions

Dagstuhl Workshop on Geometric Modeling: Interoperability and New Challenges. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany (2021)
INdAM Workshop Geometric Challenges in Isogeometric Analysis. Rome, Italy (2020)
Isogeometric Splines: Theory and Applications (19w5196). Banff, Canada (2019)
Institut für Baumechanik und Numerische Mechanik. Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany (2019)
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICaR). University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy (2015)

Talks at international conferences

Virtual Isogeometric Analysis 2020 (VIGA2020). Virtual (2020)
International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA2018). Austin, TX, USA (2018)
International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA2017). Pavia, Italy (2017)
IACM 19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF-2017). Rome, Italy (2017)
USACM Conference on Isogeometric Analysis and Meshfree Methods (IGA2016). La Jolla, California, USA (2016)
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS2016). Crete, Greece (2016)
15th International Conference on Approximation Theory. San Antonio, Texas, USA (2016)
International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA2015). Trondheim, Norway (2015)
Finite Element Rodeo 2014. Austin, Texas, USA (2014)
International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA2014). Austin, Texas, USA (2014)
11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI). Barcelona, Spain (2014)
12th US National congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12). Raleigh, North Carolina, USA (2013)
Advances in Computational Mechanics (ACM 2013). San Diego, California, USA (2013)
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS2012). Vienna, Austria (2012)
International Conference On Spectral And High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM2012). Gammarth, Tunesia (2012)
2011 Woudschoten Conference. Woudschoten, Netherlands (2011)